Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Re-entering the world

It's been a long time since I was a 'blogger'. Lately, however, I've had this running dialogue in my head and if I don't figure out where to put it soon, it's going to spill over into one of those "She's talking to herself" conversations. I'm pretty certain my husband is already concerned about my mental well-being so adding an "Is she off the deep end" worry isn't wise.

One-Percent... that phrase still haunts me. M (also known as my soulmate and/or darling husband) would tell me that I beat the odds and that I should celebrate that fact. And yes, I do. I look at that little boy in his crib and I marvel at the gift that God has sent to us, to me. Infertility will alway haunt me. Someone once told me it's like a skeleton in your closet; it doesn't go away even when you have that baby you were trying so hard for all that time. G is my one-percent. I thank God every single day for letting me beat the odds.

These days, I'm at home with G and after 4:00pm, with E as well. I'll admit, I love being at home with them. Some days are better than others, but for the most part, I'm blessed beyond belief to be able to stay with them. I'm still fidgety though... I can't sit still most times and crazy things like wanting to bake a squash pie for dessert or clean the bathroom for the third time to get rid of that pee smell (thanks to a badly aiming 7 year old) still swirl around my head. But, thanks to M's support, I'm learning (or at least attempting) to savor the down-time I have with G. Then again, a lingering breast infection and general run-down feeling help curb those crazy thoughts. Must nap... must nap... that's about all I'm capable of thinking right now.

So. Another blog. Another random person spouting random thoughts. It's nice to give my mind a nice purging though... I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome all around...

Grayson Ford made his way into the world on September 17, 2010. I'm going to have to post his Birthday story here...