Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Where life resumes.

Wow. So, apparently it takes about two months for me to get my bearings. I've officially been at home for two months today and I'm just getting back to the point where I can function as a non-mother-person. It's been a roller coaster ride, but most days I'm glad I'm on it and am trying my hardest to stay sane. I feel like I have a million things pulling me in three million directions, but such is the life of every mother I guess.

There are a few things that I've realized in the past week or so and one of them is that I need to get my head cleared in a major way. So, I'm hoping now that the new computer is set up, blogging will begin again! I don't expect it will be pretty, but I think that's normal. Personally, I'm tired of the sheen that the internet seems to put over everyone else's life. I have been searching for authenticity and although the internet is certainly not the first place I should be looking, it's the most accessible place for me right now and that's caused so much heartache for me. To combat that, I'm going to try as hard as I can to be authentic, to be me here, there and everywhere. Yes, I admit that's sort of not really possible on a blog, but you'll have to deal if you're reading this. Unless you want to come over and just hang out to vet me and all. Please, feel free. Except on Fridays because I'm usually busy then.

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